The Baroque Festival was an absolute success this year! The Pensacola Music Teachers Association had over 70 participants. We had planned for two recitals, but because of the positive response, we increased to three recitals! I had some different ideas to add to the Festival so I agreed to be the chairman for the event. I wanted my own students to experience the Baroque period in a more tangible atmosphere. Over the past year, I have been greatly influenced by Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series which unravels the tale of a WWII combat nurse who travels back in time to Scotland in 1743. So I thought why can't we have time travelers visit us from the Baroque period?! Oh and we HAVE to have a harpsichord and dance the minuet! Having all of these ideas in my head since last year, I really wasn't sure how to implement them in my piano studio. Then I came across Leila Viss' wonderful blog Leila has everything laid out systematically and video examples to match. My studio is continuing the Baroque unit into January and enjoying it. I only wish more of my own students had attended the Festival. Getting to play a harpsichord is a real treat. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. Mia absolutely LOVED the harpsichord! Her precious face epitomizes the joy I have for music making and teaching! The University of West Florida Music Teachers Association graciously helped us with making wigs out of empty toilet paper rolls! The wigs became more elaborate throughout the afternoon! My husband, Chris, and PMTA member, Ed Varela, spray painted the rolls the day before. Lady Darcy and Elizabeth de la Guerre pose for the camera. Now, no Baroque Festival is complete without a king! Bill Dollarhide poses as King Louis XIV and graciously dressed in a full costume, designed and sewed just for him!
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Lessons begin Tuesday, September 8! I can't wait to see you all and get started on some new music!!! I'm bringing back the 30 Piece Challenge and just wait what's in store the Baroque Festival this year!! My piano studio is "Goin' Baroque" and I will be posting information through my piano teacher friend, Leila Viss. She has some wonderful videos and activities that will help us while we are Baroque! Please set aside Saturday, November 14, 2015 for the Baroque Festival. I'm even making my own dress for the event as clothing from the 1700's is not widely available.
I will be taking some time off this summer from lessons. Already this month, I have been to Gainesville and Tampa. I'm looking forward to flying up to Connecticut this weekend. On
Wednesday, July 1@ 6PM the church choir and orchestra will be presenting a Patriotic Concert at Olive Baptist in Pensacola. One of the pieces we are doing was performed at President Obama's inauguration. It is a beautiful (and difficult) piece! Come at 5PM for BBQ! I hope your summer is going great! The Spring Piano Celebration is Saturday, May 16, 2015 @ 4PM and located at Dollarhide's, 41 S. Palafox St. Pensacola, Florida. Awards will immediately follow the performance. All students have had the opportunity to earn an award by memorizing pieces, and completing theory books. Student will present their "favorites" at this performance and I will be spotlighting my graduating Seniors as well! Be sure to invite your friends and family.
I wanted to make sure that you were aware of a few dates coming up and give you information for those students participating in the PMTA Sonata Contest THIS Saturday, March 14, 2015.
PMTA Sonata Contest March 14, 2015 Center for Fine and Performing Arts University of West FLorida Please arrive at least 15 minutes before your performance time. Dress is Sunday dress. Your student is playing by memory, but MUST bring his original music with all measures numbered. Once your son/daughter is finished playing, he/she should wait in the Mainstage Theater for the Awards to be announced. Be patient as soon groups take over an hour to complete and process awards. Performances in the Music Hall are open to the public. T-shirts are available for purchase @ $15. Directions: Take University Parkway north, crossing over 9 Mile Rd. University Parkway will dead end at UWF. Turn LEFT onto College Drive. After the road curves, you will see tennis courts on your right. The next building is the CFPA. Enter through the main doors by the fountains. As family/friends are not allowed outside the performance rooms/hallways, notify family and friends that they may wait in the Mainstage Theater or in the main corridor. Performance Times and Room number: 9:30 Aubrey T 10:37 Joshua P 10:50 Stephanie S 11:35 Margaret S 11:26 Gabrielle H 1:00 Makayla McD 1:15 Mackenzie K 1:50 Ashley K 2:36 Sarah S 3:00 Trinity D'H 3:10 Haley K 3:50 Samantha K SPRING BREAK: There will be no Lesson March 16-20, 2015 due to SRC Spring Break. Lessons resume March 23. There is a Piano Performance at Pensacola State sponsered by the Kamerman Piano Series on Sunday, March 22, 2015 @ 2:30. Arthur Greene is the pianist. PIANO CELEBRATION Please make sure your calendar is set for Saturday, May 16, 2015 @ 4 PM Dollarhide's!! Students are already working on their favorites for this concert. This is also a Student Appreciation event and Senior Spotlight for some of my graduating seniors! Awards will be distributed for those students who have earned their medal or trophy for memorization, and Most Improved Student, etc. All students have the opportunity to receive an award in my studio event. Lessons will conclude for the Spring Semester at this concert. Summer and Fall Registration will be going out in April! It has been a busy, wonderful year of music making and it is a privileged to have your child(ren) in my piano studio! How quickly November is blowing by! Group Lessons are schedule for November 22, 24, and 25. Our Christmas Drop-In is December 6 at Dollarhide's.
Adult Students.....check out the Piano Players Club, Saturday, November 15, 2014 @ 10AM hosted by Bill Dollarhide and Barry Frost. The event includes piano playin' (of course), discussion, and FUN! I hope you can join them at Dollarhide's, 41 S.Palofox, Pensacola, FL! What in the world is a "drop-in" you ask?!? Drop in Dollarhide's on Saturday, December 6 between 10AM and 12PM and find out! Summer is quickly winding down and I so enjoyed having a great group of summer piano students!! Students learned several patriotic pieces, attempted Rhythm Cup Explorations, and improvised sounds from around the world. Fall Lessons will begin the week of September 2, 2014. I will be sending out the studio policy and registration/info forms next week. You can also view my studio policy on this website under Lessons.
I look forward to having all my students back in the Fall and welcoming some new faces as well! ![]() Lights!! Camera!! Action!! The “Let’s Go to the Movies Piano Celebration” takes place THIS SUNDAY, May 18, 2014 in the Olive Baptist Church Choir Rehearsal Room @ 2:00 PM. The address to the church is 1836 E. Olive Road. Plan to arrive 15 minutes early. Be sure to invite your family and friends. Awards and reception will follow immediately after the performance. Also, there ARE make-up lessons May 19 through May 22 where we discuss the performance, summer practice schedule and goals, and what to expect in the Fall! A run-through was not possible last week due to storm damage in the church but we will make do! Students should dress as a movie character or as a movie star. A professional photographer will taking pictures before and after the performance. Be sure to bow before and after you play. You may sit with your family. While I am introducing you, please be getting in position to play. Please do not take pictures while students are playing piano as it is distracting. Take as many pictures as you would like during the awards presentation and after the performance. Students need to bring the following:
DIRECTIONS: From Pace, take 90E to Pensacola. Take a left on University and go about 1.7 miles. After you pass Johnson Street, take the first entrance into the church lot. You will wind around to the right and the road curves back to the left into the parking lot. The Music Suite is located to the right of the awning. The building is labeled. Come through the double doors and take a right. This is the foyer to the Choir Rehearsal Hall. Take another right into the Choir Rehearsal Hall. From 1-10: Exit onto Davis Hwy. Go north and get to your left. Take a left onto Olive Road. There are three entrances to get into the church parking lot. Take the third one (It will be the one right after the red house) Turn into the parking lot and drive towards the awning. The Music Suite is located to the right of the awning. See above directions! Thank you for a wonderful year! Registration forms for Fall go out this week! Kerri Turner OK! We have lots of things coming up! I'm waiting to see what we will be doing about the run-through Friday, May 9, 2014. My church was badly damaged during the floods in Pensacola last week. Many people are working to help clean things up.
Summer Lesson Registration.....most of you have let me know what your plans are for the summer. There is still some room for lessons on Wednesdays. I will be sending out registration forms for the 2014/2015 Piano Year next week. I'm doing some updates! Let's Go to the Movies..........Sunday, May 18, 2014! Please invite your friends and family to attend. I'm very excited about it and will have movie tickets for you to give out as invitations! This Saturday is the Pensacola Music Teachers Association Sonata Contest 2014. It will be held at the University of West Florida Fine Arts Department.
Sunday, May 18, 2014, "Let's Go to the Movies..." will be presented by the Bright Stars of Turner Piano Studio! Registration will begin for Summer and the 2014-2015 School Year on May 1. |
Kerri Turner
This is information about lessons, my wonderful students, and what goes on in the studio! Archives
January 2024